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Safety tools
Protect yourself from hacks using 2FAC
feat. @nayandeeprakshit
Not to be dramatic, but account hacks are the worst! ❌ Here’s a step-by-step guide to protecting yourself using 2FAC and what to do if someone gains access to your account. After watching, take 5 seconds (right now!) to update your settings and account security 🔐
Key takeaways
- To protect yourself from hacks and phishing attempts, set up two-factor authentication in your settings. You'll be able to select your preferred method of receiving your login codes.
- Remember that Instagram will never DM you about your account. If we do contact you, you'll receive an email which can also be found in the Security section of your settings.
- If someone does gain access to your account or you're unable to log in to your account, visit to secure your account.