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Growth basics

Use insights to build your content strategy

feat. @harshhrane

Numbers don’t lie. Open your Professional Dashboard to get a better understanding of what topics and themes are getting the most engagement. Harsh shares how he focuses on most played, shares, and saves to inform his content strategy.

Key takeaways

  • If you're ever wondering what you should post next, go to the Content You Shared section within Professional Dashboard to view your top performing posts across multiple metrics (e.g. most played) and over a specific timeframe. Look and see if there are any ideas you can recreate or repurpose.
  • Another metric you can also look at is Saves. By sorting your content by the number of Saves, you can see which content is most valuable.
  • Within Insights, you can see which of your Reels are the most shareable and how often your Reels are being shared to other people's Stories. Shares are a powerful way to get your content in front of new people and helping you grow.